General Universal Self Defence martial arts classes for all ages, Adults and Juniors.

All self defence martial arts regular classes listed for all ages, Adults & Juniors are for all levels of experience both novice and advanced, male and female and beginners are always welcome to join in anytime, all year round.

Please refer to classes directory times for start and finish dates for the year and which classes are held during school holidays.

There are no long term contracts for all ages Universal Self Defence martial arts classes.

Universal Self Defence All Ages Fees:
Pay Per Lesson or the Members Monthly Discount Rate
Also special discounts rates apply for the families!

All ages self defence classes are an ideal activity for all the family. Members are grouped together with those of similiar size, age and experience. Minimum age for children is 7 years old.

General classes focuses on improving confidence with basic to advanced level self defence, martial arts and fitness skills. Learn not only self defence but how to be more assertive, whilst getting super fit and feeling more empowered, training in a friendly, positive and safe environment.  Also learn strategies to avoid personal safety dangers and how best to deal with confrontation.

For all class enquiries phone the class enquiries phone number listed on our classes directory page.


Criminals are opportunists. They prefer an easy target. Quite often innocent people needlessly become victims of crime, purely because of ignorance and apathy. If only they had learnt and practised a form of protection such as Universal Self-Defence.
(Retired NSW Police Sergeant)

Most demanding jobs come with a certain amount of tension. Stress release and recreation are therefore very important. For me, it was very difficult to settle into a physical activity that didn't stimulate the mind. After a training session with the Universal Self-Defence Academy I always feel totally satisfied and refreshed. The programme gives both the mind and body a good work out at the same time. The classes are easy to follow, very efficient and I am enthralled with the strategy of Universal Self-Defence.
(Bank Manager)

Originally I only joined the Universal Self-Defence Academy to help and encourage my two sons. Then I started to enjoy the training just as much as they did. With the feeling of achievement, came great self-esteem as our skills improved more and more. It's been an easy way to keep fit and healthy. Now the whole family has since joined. We have three Black Belts in our house and share not just a mutual interest but also an unbreakable bond. Thank-you USDA.
(Navy Technical Instructor)